TARF Online Meetings

The Blokfluit Net Working Group is proud to cooperate with TARF, the reknown Tel Aviv Recorder Festival organzed by Drora Bruck, supported by the Israel Conservatory of Music.

TARF Online Masterclasses (and Workshops)

TARF (Tel Aviv Recorder Festival has initiated an online platform for masterclasses and workshöps open to students and public from all around the globe.

The TARF workshops will be 90 minutes long sessions in which a guest lecturer will give a presentation of a subject – and the audience will be able to participate, ask questions and join the excercises. In each workshop we shall limit the participation to 30 people.


List of events shall be published here on the site, and updated constantly.

Mind: Times are given es Central European Time (CET).

Past Events:

December 2020 – John Tyson: Masterclass, Corina Marti: Masterclass

October 2020 – Dan Laurin: Masterclass

September 2020 – Han Tol: Masterclass

August 2020 – Michael Wolpe: Meeting, Dorothee Oberlinger: Masterclass

July 2020 – Erik Bosgraaf: Masterclass